RVS Academy

Since 2000



The academy understands that martial arts is not just about physical prowess but also about cultivating discipline, resilience, and a strong character.

Belt System

The academy follows a traditional belt system that symbolizes a student's proficiency and mastery of the art.

Fitness and Conditioning

Grading takes into account a student's overall physical fitness and conditioning, recognizing the importance of strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance in martial arts practice.

Skill Assessments

Grading at RVS Academy is not solely based on the number of hours spent training but also on the mastery of specific techniques.

Sparring and Practical Skills

Grading often includes sparring components, testing a student's ability to adapt techniques in real-time and demonstrating practical self-defense skills.

Character Development

Beyond physical skills, RVS Academy places a strong emphasis on character development.

Demonstration of Leadership

In advanced levels, grading may include opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership skills, such as assisting in lower-level classes or guiding fellow practitioners.

Motivation and Goal Setting

The grading system at RVS Academy provides students with clear goals and a roadmap for progression.

Recognition of Achievement

As students advance through the grading system, they receive recognition for their dedication and hard work.

Building a Strong Community

Through shared challenges and accomplishments, students develop a bond that extends beyond the training.


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